Life as Energy. A Thought Process

We spend life. Worrying, wondering, and waiting for death.
The fears, the ideas, the heavens and hells, the nothingness and bleak blackness.
It all takes its toll on us and it takes all of us.
Life and death are but human constructs however.
Few animals possess the brain power capable of intelligent thought, let alone self-awareness.
Do animals fear death, perhaps, on a survivalist extent, fight or flight, kill or die, red in tooth and claw.
Nature entails life and death and the deadly cycle that perpetuates itself.
And yet, no animal apart from ourselves can truly contemplate death, truly try to grasp and understand it.
But like fire, you cannot truly grasp the flame. You can hold the source, you can douse the fire but you can never catch the orange and red that burns brightly. So too can you never catch death for in the end, death catches you.
Such thinking limits man.
There is no after life, there is no god or make shift alternate ending that comes to us after our body decides to fail us.
To us as humans, we fade, as if in a dream. Whether we drift into or from the dream, we may never know.
Life is the journey and death is the ultimate destination and that end shall always justify the means by which you reached it.
Yet again, death in all its significance is man’s way of trying to extradite himself from the order of the universe.
From the order of everything on earth and beyond it.
We are selfish enough to believe that our lives belong to us and that life in itself may hold a greater meaning than just being.
The questions of why, when, who and how, in regards to our origins as a living being, whilst important for the intellect, are perhaps fruitless for the body. No amount of human understanding will ever bring peace knowing that we all must perish, die and rot.
Only with the soft icy hand of death, can we truly begin to appreciate and accept it into our hearts and more importantly. Mind.
Death is an instrument. A tool of man. A motivator, a ticking time clock that eventually signals the end.
Possessed by this date with death, we seek to busy ourselves with everything between the womb and grave.
Fruitful, loving, sad and harsh, all we experience in life ultimately brings us back to the oblivion from whence we were begot from.
Life, unlike death, deals us the harshest of cards, granting unfair advantages and rules of engagement.
Some are born only to die a week later; others are born into a life of luxury and live for decades of decadence.
Life, not death is the true punishment for some and many. Whilst life grants us hardships to overcome as well as love,
Death is warm and embracing. She accepts all without judgment, without a care of the life lived. Death will take under her wing the poor and needy, the rich and greedy and all living matter in between. Death personified is the true charity and heaven for man.
And yet, why do we fear her.
Life lived by all has been harsh, restrictive, unforgiving, cruel and deceitful. And yet we cling to it like an abused child clings to the mistreating mother, out of fear and ignorance of what else might be. But like the abused, we forget the bad
And instead focus on the good. The love, the happiness and joys. The friends and family that journey with us on our road to death.
We reminisce in the past and plan for the future, ever hoping for more joy and less hardship even though we know that oft might not be the case for us dreamers.
All of our mental constructs, our scaffolding we use to understand the life and death around us, vanish with us into the abyss.
All become redundant, even though it ultimately is redundant. Life may have meaning, but it comes from the person, from within
The desires, the goals the choices. Life is a construct and a desire whilst death may be the true reality at the end of the road.
Beyond our constructs, perceptions, hopes and desires, dreams and trials, beyond all that is humanly common, life and death do not exist.
Life and death are pointless concepts for the universe, only intelligent species worry about death, because death is the ultimate barrier to knowledge
Death ceases learning, desire and intellect. Our minds being pure intellect, cannot comprehend how to deal with such a barrier and so create the constructs and perceptions of life and death, beyond and before them. Distractions from the end. But the universe cares not for the individual, does not care for the species, planet, galaxy or even for itself. The universe, and the orders that fit and defy human ideas of physics, are not intelligible like man and others intelligent matter.
And so, to the universe, there is no life and death, because there is no true end to it. With that understanding and perception in mind. There too is no end to man.
There is no end to man because there is no death, there is no death because there is no life, and there just is a period in which we become a conscious source of energy.
For in the end, we are nothing but energy.
The atoms and sub atomic particles that create us and all around us, all come from the same source: energy.
The energy is rewired, constructed and changed but in essence, it is pure, it is strong and it is constant.
Our conscious selves as energy will cease to exist in time, but we as energy will not. Our energy will transfer
It will change, we, as we know and understand ourselves will become and have been so much more that we cannot begin to grasp.
The cells in our body change daily and biologists argue that you are not who you were 7 years ago. Yet we refuse to acknowledge or accept said changes
We create our bubbles that house our consciousness and intellect for fear of its end, when in reality nothing truly ends. It merely transfers and alters.
Perhaps the only unbreakable law of physics to date is that energy does not die but merely changes. From light and sound, to heat and kinetic, all energy as such
Merely shifts and changes and so too will us as we are nothing but a constant source of energy, fueled by outside sources of energy, meat and sun included.
We become the plants that become the animals that become us. We consume others and others shall consume us for that is the transfer of energy as we are aware
As energy sources we will be eternal and ever constant for we all come from the same star stuff and we will all return to it and scatter across galaxies
When our own star implodes…